Monday, January 23, 2012

Your Home Will Be Ruined Without Animal Waste Removal

Because of the airborne particles that linger around animal feces, it is as dangerous as it is disgusting. A potentially dangerous situation occurs of the waste of animals in your home is left to stand and pile up somewhere. The only way to successfully eradicate this kind of problem is for a team of professionals to come in and remove the accumulated waste.

It is to be expected that the waste from wild animals is harmful to your property. Raccoon urine, pigeon crap, and bat guano are just among the few contaminants that make your house dirty, stinky, unsafe and unattractive. The soft padding of home insulation is completely ruined when it is exposed to this amount and kind of toxic material.

Few of you reading this will disagree that animal poop are disgusting, stinky, and riddled with parasites and diseases. And let's not forget the rancid stench that comes with the poop. The waste that you can actually find around your house is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Some people get upset with the animals, but they are just performing their natural bodily functions - admittedly, ruining your home in the process. You could be forgiven for thinking that only the pee and poop are dangerous, but in truth a lot of the animal is hazardous. What you are left with is a stinky, dangerous mess.

By means of a visual inspection you can gauge the full extent of the problem, and hopefully eradicate the animals responsible. Remember that having cleared the waste and animals is only half the job - next you need to start fixing what they broke. You should never leave the waste behind even once the animals are gone, so clean-up is essential.

It is fairly logical that long infestations mean more mess. In terms of the clean-up itself, removing the waste is the next order of business. You really do get a thorough service - the affected area will be cleaned thoroughly, and then doused with deodorant, and even the insulation will be fixed.

The removal of animal excrement really isn't as straightforward as most people seem to think, and a lot of effort, time and thinking go into each session. Insulation material is soft and absorbent, which means that urine contaminates it very easily. Only the strongest deodorant can successfully mask the smells left by such damage.

These companies normally deal with squirrel infestation too. What is of concern is that squirrels have an instinct to chew absolutely everything, and that obviously leaves a trail of destruction in their wake. They want to sink their teeth into your plants, clothing, furniture, screens and so on.

More than a simple pest, they can be dangerous as well. They tend to create potential fire risks in unusual places. Once again, the only way to fix this situation is to call in an expert.

When choosing an animal waste removal and clean-up company, make sure the company has a national wildlife control training program certification, and not just pest control training. Too many people have been conned by companies who make false promises, so do your research into their history. A long track record of successfully solving wildlife control problems is perhaps the only true test of a company’s worth.

Want to know more about Attic Cleanup, hit the link and you'll be helped.